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the Movie Club
Annals ...
meet our newest Movie Club member!!!! |

See the Very
Cool Review of ... |

The Adventures of
Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension |
by |
Allen, James Holmes and Barbara Paton |
Here to See The Review |
~ ~ ~ |
Happy 4th Birthday Lily!!!
Lily Kaitlyn W.,
turned the big 0-4 in
Charlotte, NC
on June 28th, 2005

Congratulations to
Lily, Valerie, Brian,
and Otis -
and Don't Forget Nana!!! |
~ ~ ~ |

Wishes to announce that its CD has just come off the burner and is now
for sale. Anyone wanting the handwritten records for the city of Norwich
for the years 1659 - 1848 may purchase this magnum opus for $20.00 S/H
included - unless of course you're a relative or reasonable facscimile
thereof and the price is $40.00 plus S/H. CD contains records of such
interesting people as General Benedict Arnold, my first cousin, numerous
slaves, and many revolutionary war soldiers. CD contains thousands upon
thousands of names - send for free flyer.
For more information, see: http://omenaheights.com/norwichvitalrecords |
~ ~ ~ |

There were two winners of the
Movie Club's first paid challenge, which was to watch "Dungeons and
Dragons" all the way through without dying.
"Dungeons and
Dragons" is the only movie in existence branded as too horrible to ever
be reviewed by the
Movie Club.
The first winner is
FTR, who
bravely suffered through this monstrosity of a movie all by himself!
Here to See His Review.
The second winner is Michael
R., who had actually PAID to see
Dungeons and Dragons in a theater before the challenge had been
As promised, both of our big winners will
have their reviews posted on the Movie Club website (stay tuned), and will receive a box of Godiva chocolates.
Congratulations to them
~ ~ ~ |
In Memoriam

19?? - 08/15/01
Cartoons Donated in Othello's
Honor by FTR

click for
larger images |